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Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Life Without My Foods?

The Foods

All foods that grow on plants because many of these wont survive the coldness through time and the very hot tempertures. But that is due to the gobal warming and climate changes.

Expensive Foods

  • The food which i think will get expensive later in the furture is the milk, and fresh cut foods will.

Well to be honest I am concern with the our food shortage and what we need to do to produce more of it and not letting dry out. But hopefully nothing bad happens any more worst than things are all ready.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Icelands Volcanic Ash Alert

Have you all heared about the volcanic ash from iceland people now have no other alternative than to drive to there destination instead of taking a flight. But one big thing that will affect those people is that there will be more traffic jams in streets freeways and gas station. Also it will have a big affect in those who work in the airplanes like the piolts will have to be fired because there would be work for them for a couple of weeks. Also the UK airlines would lose money.

Well right now its been maybe like 4 days that i havent used shampoo and it is hard i find it harder everyday. But sure there is regular soap but you just dont get the same result as you would with shampoo its been a hard couple of days now. What Im prepared to use or even make my own shampoo if I have too.

But if i would lose some of my favorite foods, water and power oh my god I wouldnt know what to do I would be really cold, bored and straving. But not just me but I believe if you lost your foods water and power you would be worried of losing things as well im such of it. If you say no please comment me because I got to know the reason. Anyways while we are in this topic I want you to image all those people who are layed off now imagen them they really dont have any thing so for all those who read this please save what you can while you can.

Currently right now im seriously trying my best to save what i can for me but to save up money and product use when i go out with my girlfriend. So at this moment Im really just buying the things i really need and my wants im jst trying to forget about them because there is no mone for them.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Supply and Demand

Today I'm will be explaining what demand means to me and supply. I think demand means the price of a product that a person would be willing to buy it for. Supply means the amount of a good and the sell price people would be willing to sell that good to others. What I found surpiseing was that theres a lot of concepts of oil that i don't understand well and need to know.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Surprising Affect WO

Today I found the most surpising thing about gas prices and its rasing prices. But still why dont I see many people riding there bike or using other kinds of transportation that seems really weird to me. But hell if things get any worst Ima start to riding my bike to school. One thing we could do is stop going out for dinner alot or to a liquor store right at the corner with you car instead of just walk to it. If would stop going out so much I think I would save some money so im suggesting to those who are reading this that you do the same and try to find new ways not to spend so much gas.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Life WWO: Shampoo

Today I got home sweating because I had to walk it from school to my house. So when I finally got home I decided I should take a shower but then I remembered that there wasnt any shampoo left because theres no oil in the world to produce this product. There are some but there really expensive. It really sucked though because I couldnt clean my hair as good as I would with shampoo now im that I am force to use regular soap. Without shampoo it would been was been hard for me to go out in dates with girl friend because im afraid that she smells a bar of soap instead of nice smell guy. So to me its been hard and difficult to go through out the rest of my life without shampoo.