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Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Panic is Over

Things are finally going back to normal but something that I do need to tell you guys is that if this ever happens again I suggest that you try to save as much oil as you can. But one good way you can do so that next time this oil crisis doesn't affect you much is you can begin to recycle and try use other ways of transportation like a bike, or a hybrid car that why you safe oil for yourself and know what to do if we are ever in this situation again. Also as any other person would everyday just try to decrease your carbon footprint in the world be economic like unplugging electronics when your not using them and use green products like the light bulbs and energy star products so please just try to be a better person. You help yourself by saving a few bucks and you help save the world and stop global warming. Don't get me wrong if I'm trying to get you guys to do things back in the old times but I'm just saying if you guys can make smarter decisions when it could to our environment just try what you can to keep it clean and nice. Anyways thank you for your opinions due to this oil crisis that we were in and hope you consider my advise.

Source: The Greenest Dollar

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